yang kuisheng Apps

Rescue or Shoot the Girl 1.0
yang kuisheng
One of the villagers were invaded bysomeunkown guys and they kidnapped the innocentvillagers,threatenedthat if we didn't go there to rescue them,thosevillagers will bedead in no time. The only way to rescue therewould be by shootingthe rope.There's no way that you can get anycloser,the only weaponyou have is the bow you practise every day.You have to save thoseinnocent people by shooting the rope and nothurting them. Remeber,if you missed the shoot, you might kill thevictims instead ofrescuing them. You might need to make use of someitems to reachthe goal,the gas barrel and tnt barrel could explodeand destroyother items around it.The magnet could drag your arrowstowardsit.And some arrow has variable shooting force,so you have toshootat the right time.Time is limited,and it matters life and death,try to rescuethosepeople as soon as possible!Time is up,if you take too long,those people would besuffocated.Try to make use of different things to help you.
Super Stacker 1.0
yang kuisheng
Super Stacker is a very addictive puzzletypegame in which you must build towers of variously shapedbuildingblocks. The goal is to build a tower of blocks that canstaystanding for a short period of time.Think again before youmakemoves,one step missed will result in big disaster. You needtocarefully put them together and try to find a balance for allofthem. If they don't fall in a limited time,you winthegame,otherwise you lose it.Super Stacker, all 50 levels including EasyStacks,MediumStacks,Tricky Stacks and Hard Stacks. Move all thosekinds ofstacks carefully,touch to put it down and don't fall downout thescreen.
Zombie Pirates Shooting 1.2
yang kuisheng
Our ship is broken and lots of zombie pirateswant to rob us and take everything away,if you don't fight for ourship,we would all end being killed and lose everything we have. Soit's time to use your guns to protect the ship and our lives,defeatthose zombies now,those zombies have many skills,swimming zombiesswim very fast,you have to target very carefully before openingfire. Shark zombies are very strong and not easy to defeat. Flyingzombies can fly in the sky with the help of his pets bird. Skullzombies are normal zombies. Helmet zombies are harder to kill. Youcan play the game to view more zombies and look into different waysto kill different zombies.